Come Be My Light: Mother Teresa amazing Private Writings list

Manoranjan Sahoo
5 min readAug 7, 2020


Come Be My Light: Mother Teresa amazing Private Writings list

Mother Teresa’s Come Be My Light Quotes: The book “Come Be My Light” is a moving chronicle of Mother Teresa’s spiritual journey and it reveals the secrets she shared only with her closest confidants. It also illustrates how the experience of an agonizing sense of loss need not hold anyone back from doing something extraordinary with their lives. Read here quotes from Come Be My Light of Mother Teresa.

Book Info:

  • Book Name: Mother Teresa: Come Be My Light
  • Published Year: 2009
  • Author: Mother Teresa, Brian Kolodiejchuk

See here Full List of Mother Teresa Books

Come Be My Light Quotes by Mother Teresa

Also, read Mother Teresa Inspiring Quotes to spread love everywhere.

“Don’t look for big ones, just do small things with big love. The smaller we face, the greater the love we give.” — Mother Teresa

Come Be My Light quotes by Mother Teresa

“Our poor people are great people, a very lovable people, They don’t need our pity and sympathy. They need our understanding love and they need our respect.” — Mother Teresa

“We need to tell the poor that they are somebody to us that they, too, have been created, by the same loving hand of God, to love and be loved.” — Mother Teresa

Come Be My Light quotes by Mother Teresa

“Jesus wants me to tell you again…how much is the love He has for each one of you-beyond all that you can imagine…Not only He loves you, even more–He longs for you. He misses you when you don’t come close. He thirsts for you. He loves you always, even when you don’t feel worthy..” — Mother Teresa

“Cheerfulness is a sign of a generous and mortified person who forgetting all things, even herself, tries to please her God in all she does for souls.” — Mother Teresa

Come Be My Light quotes by Mother Teresa

“There is so much deep contradiction in my soul. Such deep longing for God — so deep that it is painful — a suffering continual — and yet not wanted by God — repulsed — empty — no faith — no love — no zeal.” — Mother Teresa

“Souls hold no attraction — Heaven means nothing — to me, it looks like an empty place — the thought of it means nothing to me and yet this torturing longing for God.” — Mother Teresa

Come Be My Light quotes by Mother Teresa

“Pray for me please that I keep smiling at Him in spite of everything. For I am only His — so He has every right over me. I am perfectly happy to be nobody even to God.” — Mother Teresa

“To the good God nothing is little because He is so great and we so small- that is why He stoops down and takes the trouble to make those little things for us- to give us a chance to prove our love for Him.” — Mother Teresa

“Why must we give ourselves fully to God? Because God has given Himself to us. If God who owes nothing to us is ready to impart to us no less than Himself, shall we answer with just a fraction of ourselves?” — Mother Teresa

“To give ourselves fully to God is a means of receiving God Himself. I for God and God for me. I live for God and give up my own self, and in this way induce God to live for me. Therefore to possess God we must allow Him to possess our soul.” — Mother Teresa

“The Particular End is to carry Christ into the homes and streets of the slums, among the sick, dying, the beggars, and the little street children.” — Mother Teresa

“The sick will be nursed as far as possible in their poor homes. The little children will have a school in the slums. The beggars will be sought and visited in their holes outside the town or on the streets.” — Mother Teresa

“Take whatever He gives and give whatever He takes with a big smile.” — Mother Teresa

“God alone, God everywhere, God in everybody and in everything, God always.” — Mother Teresa

Come Be My Light quotes by Mother Teresa

“As for myself — there is but one desire — to love God as He has never been loved — with a deep personal love.” — Mother Teresa

Come Be My Light quotes by Mother Teresa

“My second resolution is to become an apostle of Joy — to console the Sacred Heart of Jesus through joy.” — Mother Teresa

Come Be My Light quotes by Mother Teresa

“Love demands sacrifice. But if we love until it hurts, God will give us His peace and joy… Suffering in itself is nothing, but suffering shared with Christ’s Passion is a wonderful gift.” — Mother Teresa

“If there is hell — this must be one. How terrible it is to be without God — no prayer — no faith — no love.” — Mother Teresa

Come Be My Light quotes by Mother Teresa

“If there be no God — there can be no soul. If there is no soul then Jesus You also are not true. Heaven, what emptiness — not a single thought of Heaven enters my mind — for there is no hope. In my heart there is no faith — no love — no trust — there is so much pain — the pain of longing, the pain of not being wanted. I don’t pray any longer.” — Mother Teresa

Thanks for reading.

Originally published at on August 7, 2020.



Manoranjan Sahoo

I’m Manoranjan Sahoo, Passionate about blogging on learning articles.