26 Basketball Riddles For Students And Kids

Manoranjan Sahoo
3 min readJul 17, 2022

Basketball is a sport that requires skill, agility, and teamwork. It is played with a ball on a rectangular court, with two teams of five players each trying to score points by shooting the ball through a hoop. But basketball isn’t just about physical prowess — it can also challenge the mind! That’s where basketball riddles come in. These puzzles use the concepts of basketball to present a brainteaser or wordplay that can be fun for both fans of the sport and those who just enjoy a good challenge. So whether you’re a seasoned player or just a casual fan, grab a ball and see if you can solve these clever basketball riddles!

Basketball Riddles With Answers For Students & Kids

1. Why was the basketball court dripping wet? Because the basketball player kept dribbling all over it!

2. Why do basketball players love cookies? Answer: Because they love to dunk them!

3. Why did the basketball player go to jail? Answer: Because he shot the ball.

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4. Why couldn’t the basketball player listen to his music? Answer: Because he was a record breaker!

5. Why can’t you play a fair game of basketball in the jungle? Answer: Because there are too many cheetahs!

6. Why can’t dinosaurs play basketball? Answer: Because they’re extinct!

7. Why can’t you play basketball with pigs? Answer: Because they will “hog” the ball!

8. Why are frogs so good at basketball? Answer: Because they always make jump shots!

9. Why are basketball players messy eaters? Answer: Because they’re always dribbling!

10. Why are babies good at basketball? Answer: Because they’re always dribbling!

11. Where is a basketball player’s favourite place to eat? Answer: Dunkin’ Doughnuts!

12. Where do point guards take their girlfriends to dance? Answer: Basket Balls!

13. Where do basketball players get their uniforms from? Answer: New Jersey!

14. When is a baby good at basketball? Answer: When it’s dribbling!

15. What’s the first meal of the day called for basketball players? Answer: Fast Breaks!

16. What’s the difference between someone who hogs the ball and time? Answer: Time always passes!

17. What is a good restaurant for a basketball team? Answer: Dunkin Donuts.

18. What have scrambled eggs and a losing basketball team got in common? Answer: They’ve both been beaten!

19. What do you do when you see an elephant with a basketball? Answer: Get out of the way!

20. What do you call a pig who plays basketball? Answer: A ball hog.

21. What do you call a basketball game with no ball? Answer: A basket game!

22. What do the basketball players say when they miss a basket? Answer: Shoot!

23. What did the hoop say to the basketball? Answer: May all your wishes come true!

24. What are basketball players’ favourite types of stories? Answer: Tall Tales!

25. How do basketball players stay cool during a game? Answer: They stand near the fans!

26. A man takes a basketball and throws it as hard as he can. There is nothing in front, behind, or on either side of him, and yet, the ball comes back and hits him square in the face. How can this be? Answer: He threw the ball straight up in the air.

Originally published at https://medhaavee.com on July 17, 2022.



Manoranjan Sahoo

I’m Manoranjan Sahoo, Passionate about blogging on learning articles.